General information
Here you will find some general information about the registration in a UPC Master's degree program. Registration procedure is done each semester to register for the corresponding courses.
Some formalities that foreign students should take into account
- Legalization and transcription of the academic degree: it is a requirement for the registration that, in some cases, must be done before arriving to Spain. The details of the authentication for documents depending on the origin country can be found here.
- Homologation (approval) of the academic degree: it is not a mandatory requirement for the registration, but it is advisable to be able to work in Europe in the future.
- For any other non-academic matter (accommodation, NIE formalities, etc.) please address to the UPC International Mobility Office (OMI)
Previous to the registration
Students must contact their respective tutors.
Tutors will be responsible for advicing the student about the master courses they must take, including those already decided by the Master Academic Commission (CAIMIA).
Tutors may propose modifications in the list of complementary courses, previously agreed with the CAIMIA.
Process for the registration
- Students hand in the registration authorisation document specifying the courses taken per semester, signed by their tutor, at the CS administrative department before the deadline (see the calendar).
- The FIB administrative department fixes the date and hour where the registration will take place, and determines the deadlines for registration modifications or cancellations.
- For the first registration, be sure to have with you the required documentation, original (and legalized/translated if required) and copies
- The process for the registration of the Master thesis can be found here.
This process must be done every semester.
Process for ECTS credit recognition
The student has to request any credit recognition to the FIB Secretariat, where he/she will present the credit recognition request document and know the dates and the fee to pay in order to launch the process. The student should also present:
- The official academic certificate (stamped copy of their marks sheet by the original Universitary Education Centre). If the language is different from Catalan or Spanish, then a translation in Spanish or Catalan of the marks sheet must be provided.
- The syllabus of the courses he/she pretends to validate (stamped copy of the course syllabus by the original Universitary Education Centre). - The Master Academic Commission will study and solve the request, sending a notification to the student and a copy to the FIB Secretariat (which is the master management unit).
The student will have to complete the registration at the FIB Secretariat, paying a tax and the 25% of the ECTS price for each validated credit (see the credit official fees).
Complete registration regulation:
Catalan version